Thursday, February 4, 2016

Song for William

Of course, one of my all time favorites and one I listen to often...William's song.

I am still amazed at how God used one little boy to work in so many lives.  His might was shown through William's life time and time again.  As much as I loathe it, it's been shown through William's death (and legacy) as well.  Over and over again people tell me about William and his smile.  It is truly "etched in our hearts."

We were sitting in your living room and you were telling me
About your horse, Cookie, and horse therapy
You were so joyful, so fun and carefree
But I knew there was more than what my eyes could see

You saw out of eyes that can see just a foot from your face
Though you couldn't walk you were running the race
You breathed out of lungs that sometimes couldn't keep pace
Though you were so frail, God's strength never failed you

We all saw God's mighty hand working in you
Even at times when we never knew
If you'd be here tomorrow, bringing that smile with you
But when you were ill your smile was still
Etched in our hearts

Just a few years later you were struggling to survive
With tubes and IVs a new part of your life
You were struggling to breathe through a lung full collapsed
You were almost too weak to answer questions I asked

You saw out of eyes that can see just a foot from your face
Though you couldn't walk you were running the race
You breathed out of lungs that sometimes couldn't keep pace
Though you were so frail, God's strength never failed you

We all saw God's mighty hand working in you
Even at times when we never knew
If you'd be here tomorrow, bringing that smile with you
But when you were ill your smile was still
Etched in our hearts

Though some today may say you are weak
Everyday that you live, your whole life speaks
To the one who has brought you through the battle so long
He says when you're weak, it's then you're strong

You saw out of eyes that can see just a foot from your face
Though you couldn't walk you were running the race
You breathed out of lungs that sometimes couldn't keep pace
Though you were so frail, God's strength never failed you

We all saw God's mighty hand working in you
Even at times when we never knew
If you'd be here tomorrow, bringing that smile with you
And when you were ill your smile was still
Etched in our hearts