Michael and I wish to express our gratitude to those of you who have been so very helpful to us over the last 6 weeks. You have blessed us beyond words! It has been so humbling to have all the visitors (even with risk of infection), meals, calls, prayers, gifts, and help for our family. We have also received anonymous financial gifts that were extremely timely for us - those of you with children with special needs totally understand what I'm talking about! Whenever William has had a need arise, we've never had to put it off for wondering how to pay for it. God has always provided! And we trust that, whatever may come, He will continue to do so.
William is finally clear of all stidor sounds and wheezing! Praise be to God! He is up and around and playing again, which is comforting. However, we've noticed that he is still extremely weak and only plays for short spurts of time. He seems to have lost all skill gained over the last few months of PT and his limbs seem like jello again. Standing and walking are trying tasks that he doesn't even attempt. Even walking in his walker is complicated for him and he falls often. Crawling is his main mode of transportation, but even that has become difficult for him to manage, as his arms give way on him often and he hits his face on the floor. I am looking forward to PT tomorrow to see what his therapist thinks. Hopefully, it is just weakness from trying to recover from his 6-week bought of pneumonia and he will regain his strength quickly. We appreciate your continued prayers on his behalf.
As for me, I think I'm starting to get a little stir crazy. I'm ready for nice weather to be able to take the children out again. I'm hopeful that the Vest is going to help William with illness, but I'm not ready to test him out in the damp weather yet.
"Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him." Matthew 6:8
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16