Thursday, May 12, 2016

When the Darkness Will Not Lift

Grief is so unpredictable.  At times I think I've hit the peak, the absolute worst, but it is the unexpected waves, the aftershocks, that truly threaten to knock me down.    Moving forward is hard.  I miss him so much.  What I wouldn't give to hear his little laugh again...

When the darkness will not lift
And my hopes are set adrift
Over the horizon of this sea
Waves of trouble crashing over me

When the fear of what lurks below
Tempts me to believe I'm all alone
Being tossed to and fro
Abandoned and far from home

But I belong to You
And none can stay Your hand
You rule the raging seas
They do what You command

When the darkness presses down
And the anchor seems to drown
Sinking to the bottom of the sea
With the other end tied to me

But I belong to You
And none can stay Your hand
You give and take away
According to Your plan

Oh I belong to You

Oh I belong to You
And none can stay Your hand
You rule the raging seas
They do what You command

Oh I belong to You