Tuesday, December 30, 2014


So...I kind of dropped off of my posting here because so many of my family and friends are on FB.  It was easier to just post everything there because I always post from my mobile.  But, as you can tell, I've gone back to the blog.  After William's most recent scary episode, Michael felt it would be better to keep everything about William here on his blog (and some tidbits about our family).  So here I am again! :)  That said, for those of you who are friends with me on FB, you know the frustration we've had with our insurance over Sherrod's insulin.  Grrr... We've often fought with them over William's needs, too.  It seems that our insurance company views my children as lab rats.  Experiment to see what works so they don't have to pay out the money we've already paid in if they can keep from it.  Why am I so frustrated about this today, you might ask?  Well, William's nebulizer quit today.  In my panic to get another one before his next treatment, Michael and I ran to the pharmacy and, you guessed it, the pharmacist informed us that our insurance does not cover his nebulizer.  Of course, we got it for him anyway.  The same as we did with his Vest.  AND with his Cough Assist.  AND with assistive walking devices.  I'm wondering if they aren't trying to force us into Government controlled healthcare? We've never taken SSI/disability for William for SEVERAL reasons.  Would private insurance try to force us into this?  Anyone have any experience or thoughts?

Anyway, William got his new nebulizer.  His last one was a plain ol' grey, drab nebulizer.  This one is a cool kangaroo one and he was pretty excited!

The pouch holds the neb cup when not in use.  Pretty cool, huh? :)