waking up from anesthesia
The ERG went well. They were able to get a good, solid, valid test. Yeah, no repeat! For now, anyway. You'll notice in the picture that William has his processors on already. This was before he was even fully awake. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was point to his ears, which is what he does every morning when he gets up. That's his signal for, "Hey, I want to hear!"
We did receive some good news. Based off of William's retina, it was easy to tell that he does NOT have Usher Syndrome. The good news here is that there is nothing to say that he will definitely go blind. The hard news is that his retina shows only 20-40% deterioration, which means we face two possibilities. One: his retina is now stable and his current vision will be what he keeps. Two: his retina could continue to deteriorate and may have another 60-80% to go. That would obviously be bad for his vision. Because of this we will have to repeat the ERG several months into the future to see how the progression is going.
kicked back, relaxing with Mommy
We are waiting for the rest of the test results to be read. By next week we should have a better idea of what we need to be testing for. We are hoping to have some clear direction by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.
At this point I must say, we are very happy with the surgery center and staff. Everyone was compassionate and attentive to William's needs. Dr. Siatkowski was caring and informative. I have to admit that it's possible to misjudge someone after only one meeting. I would hate to be summed up after only one meeting, especially if I was having a bad day. I realize that the first impression isn't always the right one. That being said: thank you to Dr. Siatkowski, Dr. Crane, and to everyone at the Surgery Center. Aside from safety, our big concern was William's emotional well-being. Do you know, he never cried once? Praise the Lord!
with Sarah, dressed and ready to head home!
I know I left off with this verse last time, but it's so comforting and reassuring that I just had to post it one more time:
"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7