Thursday, January 24, 2019


Michael and I went to the movie theater recently.  The movie we saw was good.  It was cute and funny and just had a really good story line.  But one of the trailers beforehand has been haunting me ever since.

The trailer was for the movie, Breakthrough.  Here is the synopsis:

"BREAKTHROUGH is based on the inspirational true story of one mother's unfaltering love in the face of impossible odds. When Joyce's son John falls through an icy Missouri lake, all hope seems lost. But as John lies lifeless, Joyce refuses to give up. Her steadfast belief inspires those around her to continue to pray for John's recovery, even in the face of every case history and scientific prediction...BREAKTHROUGH is an enthralling reminder that faith and love can create a mountain of hope, and sometimes even a miracle."

I have not been able to get it out of my mind.  I posted it on a bereaved parent's site as a trigger warning.  I'm glad I did.  I found out that I am not alone in my thoughts toward movies which contain miracles.

I just cannot watch them.  It's not that I'm not thankful when others get the miracle that we were praying for for William... I am.  But it actually angers me to watch it on the big screen.  I feel bad saying that, but it does.  It's not enjoyable entertainment.  I also think that movies like that put unrealistic ideas in the thoughts of those who have not experienced the heart-wrenching truth of when the miracle doesn't come.  It gives the false impression that if WE just pray hard enough, hold on long enough, and refuse to accept what is happening, that God MUST move on our behalf.  Therefore the opposite is also true.  If we did not get the miracle we were seeking, then we must not have prayed hard enough.  If our miracle did not happen, there is some shortcoming in us.

I'm sure the movie will be encouraging and heart warming for many people.  I hope it will inspire others to walk closer with God, to believe, to understand that He still moves in our lives.  But I also hope that when He doesn't move in the way they think He should, that they do not lose heart and walk away.

Even just watching the trailer has had me stirred and fighting an overall, general sense of anger and frustration.  I will be skipping this one.