Thursday, January 10, 2019


Andrew loves to ride.  It is his thing!  No fear, no hesitation, no second thoughts.  He will ride any horse, anywhere, any time.

Some of you will recognize this special significance...
For those who do not, this is Oreo, William's horse.  He was the last person to ride her.
Last week we pulled her up and let Andrew (and a couple of others) ride her.  But Ru had to be the first one.
She's such a great horse!  3+ years out in the pasture, we pull her in, and suddenly there's a 3 year old riding independently, even outside.  That's pretty impressive.  She is certainly a gem and a once-in-a-lifetime kind of horse.

Andrew loves her!  Now he says she's "his horse."  I enjoyed the opportunity to talk to him about William and how much William loved him (and Oreo).

Titus got to ride her, too.  He really liked her, but he is a bit more timid.  He didn't want me to take the lead rope off or step away.  He did not want to ride by himself and wanted off pretty quickly.  After I explained to him how Oreo took care of William and never let him fall off, he relaxed a bit and was happy to ride.  After his ride, he kept saying Oreo took care of him, too.

Oh, this horse.  😍  These boys.  😍

I miss him every moment.