Thursday, December 14, 2017

Calvin's Birthday

Last week we celebrated Calvin's 8th birthday!

The sweet boy wanted only 2 things for his birthday: a Bible and a bow and arrow.  Even though he got both, the arrows are still rubber-tipped.  I know, I know...but I'm just not ready for that.  Honestly, neither is he.  He's still working on giving something his full attention... 😂

Calvin is super excited to be 8, FINALLY!  Only because now he doesn't have to ride in a car seat! 😂😂😂 It's the little things, right?
 The birthday prayer...
 A little craziness...

He had a lot of fun practicing with his new nerf gun set.  So did everyone else...

Birthdays are always fun and December gives us lots of opportunity to celebrate them!

If I look tired, guess what?  I AM!  I'm going through another no-sleeping phase.  I'm really ready for that to go away...