Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday, Calvin!

We celebrated another birthday for our dear Calvin!  He is such a joy!  It was a sweet blessing to hear everyone around the table, taking turns, telling what they are thankful for about Calvin.  He's generous and thoughtful, kind, adventurous, cuddly, unselfish, inquisitive, thinking...it brought great joy to my heart to hear what the other children appreciate about him.  That is always my favorite part of birthdays! :)
Currently, the boys are all stoked about spy gear.  Calvin was super excited to get an FBI hat and his neat spy glove.  It records secret conversations and a few other "spy" things.  I may or may not have had to take it away after the lights went out at bedtime... :)
Aren't they super cute!  Not all the boys are in this one, but I couldn't resist those faces!

Calvin wanted pineapple cupcakes with the Avenger theme.  I don't know what goes through his mind sometimes, but Abby obliged...
I admit, I have no clue which Avenger this symbol represents, but the boy is super cute! :)
Colored icing is quite a novelty in our house.  We had a little bit of a war with the black.  I wonder where the pictures went of the icing on the nose and the black tongues and lips...? Ahem...Sarah?