Even in the midst of the broken-heartedness, how could I NOT be thankful? Of course, I miss him. For every moment I miss, there is an equal feeling of gratitude. I am grateful for his sweet smile, for his ornery laugh, for those precious hugs and the way that he wrapped his arms around my neck. I am grateful for the time I spent, cuddled up next to him. I am grateful for the 8 1/2 years that God gave us to spend with this dear boy who taught us so much about love, thankfulness, forgiveness, sacrifice, and seeing the good in everything. William struggled with breathing all of his life. God could have taken him home at any point, but He didn't. He allowed us the time to know our little boy. He allowed us the time to be changed. How could we not be thankful for that?
The reality is, there will always be a part of me that grieves. I am not the same person I was before William came into my life and I am not the same person I was since he has flown away into glory. Nor would I want to be. I cannot ever see myself praising God for William's death, but I will be thankful for his life everyday...his life here on earth that changed us all so much and his life in eternity where we will be reunited.
Speaking of thankfulness, I received the most beautiful baby gift from a sweet friend. She wanted to do something special for Andrew, knowing how much William looked forward to his birth and knowing how much it pains me that William will not be here to hold him and that he will never know William. We discussed some ideas and this is what she came up with...
A beautiful quilt made out of some of William's favorite things!
The back is a soft black material, since William's favorite color was, of course, black!
Here are a few of the squares, close up...
He LOVED this shirt! And it was so suitable for him! And of course having the hulk costume and Woody shirt right next to it is pretty fitting, as well!
This is one of my favorites. He loved it and now it reminds me to "be mighty" and carry on...