All of the mitochondrial tests are in and the results did not leave us with any answers. The lab said to be sure we would need a biopsy of the muscle. Dr. Kirkpatrick had mentioned doing that with the bone marrow draw. Yesterday, Dr. Gustavson said it is entirely possible that William had a certain type of seizure when he zoned out the other day (it could have even been brought on by tiredness). William has also developed tremors. Right now he doesn't have them all the time, but the nystagmus wasn't all the time when it first developed either.
We have a new decision to make. It was suggested that we could wait until after seeing the neuro opthalmologist to do the bone marrow draw and muscle biopsy (since this is a surgery and invasive). However, it has also been suggested that we move as quickly as possible. The problem is that the first available neuro appointment isn't until May. That seems like a very long time to put things off. I will spend the day making phone calls. Please be in prayer with us for direction.
"O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23