Friday, June 18, 2021

Theology of the Family

I am mostly posting this here because I am absolutely terrible about finding things on the Internet.  I got all the messages through the conference app on my phone but I want to be able to pull them up even when I delete it and I couldn't find them when I searched Vimeo. 😳

All you 20-30 somethings, I hear you laughing.  But at least this way, you can enjoy them, too.  🤪

I meant to post them right behind the post about the conference, but, well, you know, life...

Unfortunately only the messages in the main auditorium were recorded so I don't have any of the breakout sessions, but what is here is gold!  All of the descriptions are taken directly from the app for my own preservation.  Here goes:

To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace - A Biblical Theology of the Family, Scott Brown
Scott Brown takes us on a journey from eternity past through Revelation of the contours of a Biblical Theology of the family.  You will see how God is faithful.  You will see the only hope for the family.

The First Family, Tom Ascol
Before God created the church or government, He created the family.  The family is designed by Him to be the basic building block of human society.  To understand the mission and purpose of the family we must go to the beginning and consider our Lord's original design.

Fallen Families, Paul Washer
In this message, Paul Washer will examine the reality of the fall of man on family life and the consequences.  He will take us on a journey to understand the meaning of the fall and its impact on mankind.

Job: The Biblical Portrait of the Man who is a Priest in His Home, Sam Waldron
Through the example of Job we will see what God requires of men to be godly leaders of and priests in their homes.  The great thing about Job's example is that we see not only what he did with his hands, but also how he did it from the heart.

Patriarchal Period, Josh Buice
In this video, Josh Buice preaches from Genesis 12.  The covenant God made with Abraham matters.  Covenants are found throughout the Old Testament.  They can be both conditional and unconditional.  The one God made with Abraham was an unconditional one -- God initiates it and promises to uphold it.  There were promises that God made between Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We see the work of God and the promises of God fulfilled over time.  He is a gracious and faithful God and showers us with blessings even though we are most undeserving.
Genesis 12:2-4 - "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

The Theology of the Family in the Law of Moses, Jason Dohm
Old Testament law established in the Pentateuch teaches us so much about God's purpose and design for the functioning of families, from marriage to headship to parent/children relationships to rights and obligations, and more.  These laws of love will be summarized, and some of the contemporary attacks against these truths will be examined.

Joshua, Gideon, and Samson - The Faith and Failures of the Fathers, Kevin Swanson
Despite the disobedience, the failures, and the apostasies that always seem to dog the heels of God's people in the Old Testament era, the faith of Joshua, Gideon, and Samson are still remarkable lessons for us today.  Bursts of faith and sparks of reformation are seen in the Old Testament record, but still, these had not yet received the promise until Jesus came.  The hearts of the sons had yet to turn to the fathers.  Yet the hearts of the fathers turned to God in faith, over and over again in Old Testament record.  With the coming of Christ and the Holy Spirit, the covenant blessings which were still a shadow then are ours by faith today.  Here is an encouragement to faith, great faith, generational faith in the New Testament age.  Where the Old Testament saints met failure, Jesus brings tremendous covenantal blessings "far as the curse is found."

The Family in Israel's Monarchy, Gavin Beers

Do Not Fret Because of Evildoers - Psalm 37, Gary Powers
Are you afraid of the things happening in our society?  Where are you looking for encouragement?  How do we go astray in difficult times?  Gary Powers takes us to Psalm 37 to help us navigate our fears.

The Blessing of Fearing God, Dr. Joel Beeke
In this message, Dr. Joel Beeke discusses the blessings that God-fearing families receive.  He explains that the blessings aren't necessarily automatic.  Rather, parents have responsibilities.  They need to train their children in accordance with what is prescribed in Scripture.
In this message, he covers three points: First, God's heart for the family; Second, His vision for the family; and then God's recipe for the family for them to have true happiness in Him.  When parents fear God, obey His commandments, and train their children in the ways of God, He will richly bless them.
Proverbs 1:7 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

A Family Mess and a Hidden Mercy, Kevin Swanson
Can good come out of that which is bad?  Can beauty shine forth out of that which is ugly?  Is there a mercy lying behind messiness?  In this message, we shall see how a messy situation becomes an unbelievable mercy-in-action situation, even a world-changing situation.  We shall behold how a broken family is used to bring forth a beloved family that will last forever.  We trust that God will allow us to see how His glorious mind overshadows mindless human actions.

Building Family Convictions through Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, Dr. Joel Beeke
In this message, Dr. Joel Beeke explains that it is so important that we teach our children truths and principles from Scripture beginning at an early age.  it is important to develop convictions.  Christ is wisdom itself and lived life in our place so we may glean from His wisdom.
Dr. Beeke looks at three books of the Bible and explains how each can specifically help develop convictions within the family.  First, we can develop foundational convictions for Christ-centered daily life from the book of Proverbs.  Second, spouses can develop marital convictions for Christ-centered intimacy from the book of Song of Solomon.  Third, we call can develop realistic convictions for Christ-centered humility from the book of Ecclesiastes.
Deuteronomy 6:7 - "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

The Family in the Gospels, Carlton McLeod
In this message, by God's grace, we will look at family from the perspective of the Gospel writers.  In particular, we will explore our Lord's words concerning His person and message, and the propensity of both to, at times, cause division.  And yet our God wants families to be unified and blessed!  So we will wrestle with the text, examine the outworking of the gospel in families, and point to Jesus as the creator and sustainer of our households.

The Family in Paul's Epistles, Dr. Joel Beeke
Christ the King, Who has all authority in heaven and earth, miraculously births His children into His eternal family.  Therefore, the NT epistles speak of Christ's church in familial terms - fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters.  All of this is Christ's glorious work of adoption, which has in view their glorious reign as joint-heirs with Christ in the new heavens and the new earth. 

Covenant Promises Fulfilled, John Snyder
The triumphant God leaves the battlefield to gather His family to Himself in a new and perfect creation. His people are described here as a holy and glorious new Jerusalem, beautiful beyond description.  They are His people, His sons, his bride, the fulfillment of His ancient covenant promises.  Their home will be an everlastingly perfect creation in which nothing unclean or sad can exist.  It will contain the fullness of all the biblical types and shadows, needing no temple or sun, as God Himself will live among His people.  This new home will be bursting with life, filled with the undiluted joy of serving before the face of our King.

Q & A Panel Session

Teach Your Children the Whole Counsel of God, Scott Brown
Where are you in the story of the Biblical theology of the family?  There is nothing more invigorating and comforting than to know that His people are being carried on eagles' wings.  His promises will not fail.  He will keep His "everlasting covenant," He will destroy the works of the devil.  And who are you in this story?  Are you the one whom God conspired to save before the foundation of the world?  Are you the one chosen before the foundation of the world?  Are you the one who has the faith of Abraham?

The Sunday morning message was not a part of the conference, but was part of Hope Baptist Church’s worship service.  That link is on the previous conference post and can be found here: