Thursday, June 24, 2021


 These girls.

Oh.  My.  Heart.

They recently left for a missionary trip to Africa.  They were supposed to be gone for a month.  They made it as far as Chicago but through a series of events had to turn around and come home.  It was hard to say goodbye to them at the airport.  There were lots of tears all around.  Now they do not know when they will be leaving but are planning to go as soon as the border opens back up (Zambia is closed for the next 2 weeks at least, then they will reevaluate their CoVid situation).

Though they were disappointed, there has been the constant reminder that God is always in control.  Even the tiniest of details do not escape His notice and are not outside of His care.  He is good and we can trust Him always.  Even when, especially when, we don't understand.