Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Funeral

What is the purpose of a funeral?

In this day of technology, I fear that we are forgetting our  human need for relationship. 

If a funeral is offered via livestream, is it good enough to attend it that way and forego the physical service?

No. Go to the funeral. 

Always go to the funeral. 

They need you. They need your presence. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to speak with the family, they need you there. They need to know their beloved was loved and cherished by you. You watching them grieve for their beloved from afar does them absolutely no good. 

So unless you are states away, seriously ill, or have some other good reason to stay away, please go to the funeral. 

Take off work. 

Adjust your schedule. 

Drive out of your way. 

They need you. Love them. Let them know you really care. 

Go to the funeral.