Thursday, February 27, 2020

Cricket's Big News!

Well, Cricket had her puppies!  SEVEN of them!  Wow!  We had no idea!  Although that really explains the waddle...😂 Only 4 showed up on the ultrasound.  😁 Four of them are already taken!
Of course, I am keeping one!  Meet Jessie...

She looks the most like Bandit.

And 2 people who were close to William are also each taking one of Bandit's pups.  That makes me really happy!  A little back story...Bandit is the brother to Annie, William's first therapy dog.

We loved her so much!  We were all heart-broken when she died.  Bandit has been every bit as wonderful.  He was so good to William and William loved him so.  We all love him dearly and I'm sure we hold onto him a bit tighter since William passed.  Anyway, another one of the puppies looks a lot like Annie.  I had a hard time deciding whether to keep one that looks like Annie or one that looks like Bandit.  I finally decided to keep the one that looks like Bandit but I'm so excited that the one that looks like Annie is going to our very close friends who had a deep love for William and he for them!  Meet Tinkerbell (Tink)...

The puppies are absolutely adorable!  It is so fun to have them here.  I am impatiently awaiting the time when their eyes are open and they are walking around.  There are 3 boys left, if anyone is interested in a chihuahua puppy.  You can contact Sydnee at our email: