Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Love of My Life

It's been a rough week.  A really rough week.

Trusting God is hard work sometimes.  I want to run ahead and fight the battle when people forget loyalty, when more is expected than what is right, when character is disregarded.

Then Michael reminds me that God is sovereign.  He asks me, "What does an answer to prayer look like?"  He looks for ways to be thankful in all things, even when it's hard.  He trusts in the Lord to fight for him.  He recounts God's faithfulness.  And my anxious heart is calmed.

I am ever grateful for my dear husband, who constantly pulls me back to faith.  The man is a rock.  Truly.

Where others are quick to anger (me) and eager to rush into battle, he is patient, thoughtful, and reserved.

Don't get me wrong...he's a fighter.  But if he's engaged in a fight, you can be certain it is justified and righteous.  And he's spiritually stronger than anyone I know.

This week we have been married 23 years.  Blessed years.  Hard years.  Wonderful years.

We've seen the best of times.  We've definitely seen the worst of times.

I have more respect for this man than anyone I've ever met.  I admire him.  I have fun with him.  I love him dearly.

He truly is the love of my life.  God has been far better to me than I deserve.

Special thanks to the children for making the sweet video!