William is doing really well. We've had a few minor illnesses here and there this summer, but he's held firm and hasn't gotten anything! Today he went horseback riding to try out a new horse and while he was playing some of the therapeutic games and blowing bubbles, I was thinking back to when he couldn't even blow out his birthday candle! I vividly remember on his 4th birthday, the first time he was strong enough to blow the candle out...so exciting! And now, here he is, blowing bubbles all over the place!
There's a new technology out called eSight. There's a possibility it could be beneficial to William. His condition is one of the conditions it might work for. I'm trying not to get too excited, but OH, HOW I WOULD LOVE TO GIVE HIM THE GIFT OF SIGHT! We're waiting for information about his demo. I guess we'll be driving up to Canada, since he can't fly. Maybe we'll see some great things along the way!
Here's how it works...