Sunday, October 25, 2009

Therapy Daze

A look at William's "daze of therapy":

Auditory-Verbal therapy

Physical therapy

Low-Vision therapy

Oral Motor Sensory therapy

Physical therapy

Physical therapy

Occupational therapy

Working on therapy at home:
We have finally worked out a schedule that helps us to balance our time at home with our time at therapy and our new system is working well. We are getting so much accomplished! Yes, I'm still tired, but I really think after the baby is born a lot of that will subside. I'm very excited about all the good that is being done for William and for the other children as well. They are doing a great job staying on task! They are really recognizing the value of ordering their time and "numbering their days."

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Psalm 90:12