Enjoyed having most of my children home at one time this week. It really did my heart good to listen to the laughter with the table full again.
I've never been a big fan of Mother's Day. Poor Michael never knows whether he should or he shouldn't because I just can't decide how I feel about it. I'd much rather have a consistent, loving friendship with my children that to have one day set aside to try to force something. I'd rather share in their joys and sorrows on a daily basis and have the freedom of real conversation, the good and the bad, than to compel everyone to play nice for one day. I'd rather we all show each other daily grace and forgiveness and overlooking of shortcomings than to have a compulsory day where everyone strains to play nice then breathes a big sigh of relief when it's over. That said, this year he rallied the children and went a bit overboard. I think he was concerned at how heavy my heart has been lately that I would feel overlooked. I love that man. He is absolutely the most considerate person I've ever known. He always puts me first, no matter the personal cost to him. I can't say that I've always appreciated it the way I do now.
A friend of mine posted the following on Mother's Day. I've known a lot of mothers who have plenty of sorrow on that day, myself included. Life is hard. It's hard to parent young children. It's hard to parent adult children. And everything in between. But it's a beautiful calling that sanctifies us and draws us ever closer to Him, remembering how much we are loved.