Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Dress

Well, she did it! I have so much to tell but I decided to wait until the professional photos are in next week. Here's a small snippet about her dress:

She wanted simple and elegant but it was pretty plain when it came in. I suggested beading it (which Sydnee might hold against me for awhile🤪). It looked beautiful!

It took Sydnee, Sherrod, Selah, and me 267 hours to sew on 58,740 beads. 😳 Sydnee our in over half of those hours, hence the “holding against me” comment. 😂

A labor of love...well worth it!❤️

Also, when a friend asked for remnants of Sarah’s dress this week to make something special for Sarah, guess who sewed beads on a spare appliqué that was cut off of the dress? Yep...she did! ❤️