William has finally received the "all clear" from his pulmonologist, so we're back to therapy. It's kind of a struggle, as he lost so much during the 3 months of illness and recovery, but he is a trooper! Henry didn't make it with our family, but we found him a very good home that he loves. I think he was just too nervous to tolerate so many children! William got a new chihuahua, Bandit, who just so happens to be Annie's younger brother! He's amazing and fits so well! He's already averted one illness for William -- my kind of dog!
I am so thankful and blessed to be at home with these precious children! Sarah is in her last year of school and is desiring to take over some of the teaching with the little ones. I am very torn about this! On the one hand, I know the learning experience will be good for her and very useful to her one day. On the other hand, I covet this time teaching my little ones and find it very difficult to give that over to ANYONE else, even Sarah, who also loves them dearly! When I look into their faces I see the babies disappearing and young men and women replacing them all too quickly! In fact, today is Elly's 8th birthday. The oldest of my "young" set is 8 years old! So hard to believe! I know that just as quickly as this has happened she will be 16! And 24! And married! And having children! Oh, my! The thoughts overwhelm me! What I short time our children are given to us for! May we not waste that precious time, for each moment is a gift! I have been guilty of wasting more moments than I would want, but I am thankful that the Lord quickens my heart and reminds me how precious time is!
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." - Ephesians 5:15-17