So this beautiful lady is no longer a teen. In some ways I'm surprised that the time has flown so quickly but in others it seems that she's been in her twenties for such a long time. She's always been so mature.
We also got Sherrod a passport for her birthday. She's going to Africa with Sydnee. I know, I know...what were we thinking?!?!?! A very big part of me screams, "I DON'T KNOW!!!!" But the bigger part, the better part, looks at this capable and determined young woman who loves the Lord with her whole heart and wonders, "How could we do anything else but let her follow God's plan for her life?"
It wasn't a decision we took lightly. Where she'll be at is hardly a technological hub. In fact, she won't even have reliable electricity, much less internet or phone. Not only does this mean that I will not be able to monitor her blood glucose on a 24-hr basis, but very likely she will not be able to, either. At least not in the automatic way she is used to. But she has been managing this disease for a very long time. It's all she knows. And she has had full charge of the management for many years now. I only monitor to make myself feel better, not because she needs me in any way.

One of the first words that comes to mind when I think of Sherrod is strength. She has always had a strong personality. And I don't mean in presentation. She has a firm strength of character and is immovable when it comes to justice. She understands what is right and will see to it that it is accomplished, as much as is within her power to do so. She is also beginning to understand the burden of strength and what that means in being strong for others. I love watching her in action...she has such a heart to serve. She always has. She definitely doesn't sit still for long! :) If she is not busy, she finds something useful to do and is not big on wasting time. She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit in recognizing her own sin and is quick to repent. It's one of the many things I admire in her and brings great joy to my heart.

Sherrod is super quiet, but not shy. She is not the kind of person to fight for attention and often gets "talked over" in a conversation. She is easily overlooked because of this. No one will get to know her by accident. It has to be intentional. I was a bit surprised this particular birthday, as we typically celebrate with family only but this time we had a couple of sweet friends who happened to join us. They both participated in our "Birthday Thankfulness" tradition, even though they were caught completely unaware. I was surprised at how well they both knew Sherrod. It is good to see her opening up to others. I am glad more people get to see what we see regularly.
She has an ornery streak that I just love. She has the best sense of humor, with a little bit of a sarcastic whit. :) She's just plain fun!
Sibling pictures are always fun. Although it was strange to celebrate without Abby, who is still out of state. We'll be glad to have her home in the next month!
I ended up away from the house all day so she made her own birthday dinner. When I commented on it, she shrugged it off and said, "I just made everything the way I like it." :)
Birthday Prayer
I don't even know what was going on here but I think everyone got in on the craziness to some degree...:)
I am so thankful for these days filled with these precious children.