Thursday, May 6, 2021


 We said good-bye to an old friend this week.  Ida has been a faithful friend for a good portion of the children's lives. 

She is very likely the best LGD we've ever had.  She's always been good with animals, but she made the children her "job" many years ago.  Wherever they went, she went.  She was always in the midst of them.  I remember once when Michael let the boys camp outside and I was worried so after they went to sleep I went outside to sleep on a cot outside the tent.  Ida was parked right outside the tent door and not budging.  Once I got there, she would walk around the tent and look around then come back to stand guard.  She continued to make her rounds all night.  When I went back inside, she parked right at the door again until they were up.  I always knew I could relax when Ida was around.  And she was always up for an adventure with the children.

Sarah used to take her down to the office when she had to be there alone.  Ida would sleep with one eye open and Sarah would relax.  Everyone felt safe with Ida on guard.

She had such a personality and I felt that we could almost tell what she was thinking by her different facial expressions.  She knew when to be concerned and when to chill.  Although, even when we let someone in the fence and she knew it was okay, she would give this grumpy look and a warning bark without getting up, reminding me of a mother's, "Don't make me get up and come over there." 😆

She's always been good with other animals and been invaluable at teaching other dogs how to behave around children and livestock.

She was so funny about the house.  She hated coming in.  I could not coax her in during the winter time.  She loved the cold weather.  However, if it got hot enough, I could get her to come in to the tile for a short amount of time.  But she always acted like she hated it.

I am so thankful for this sweet friend who has been an unwavering companion.  She is already missed.