Thursday, March 4, 2021

EPIC Wedding

You like that title? 😜 EPIC Productions did the photo/video for the wedding so I thought it was fitting since I've been waiting to do this post until we got everything back from the professionals. 😂

We are so grateful to our friend, Alex, who live streamed the wedding.  It was such a blessing to have so many join us who were not able to be there in person.  EPIC also filmed it so if you missed it live, here is an edited version from different camera angles:

The reception wasn't filmed, of course, but here are some of my favorite clips:

First dance

Ben's speech

Sydnee's speech

Benjamin's speech

I couldn't possibly begin to say all that I'd like to say about this young man.  He has been a beloved friend for many, many years.  It's been such a joy to watch him grow into the godly man of depth and maturity that he has become.  I will say this: he did not know he was going to be speaking.  He had about a minute and a half to come up with something!  He did a phenomenal job!

Mike's speech

Father/Daughter Dance

The one that's been circulating around FB was taken from someone's iPhone.  This one was taken by EPIC so it's clearer but it's the same dance. 😂

Mother/Son Dance

EPIC also did this super sweet compilation video that includes the love letters that Ben and Sarah wrote to each other.  It is such a treasure!

Fun things:

These girls crack me up!  I love how they are both the life of any party and you put them together and you get, well...this...

The ceremony was lovely.  We are all so grateful to Pastor Matt Harkey.  Perhaps one of our newest "near and dear" friends, we love the Harkey family!  Matt and Brachelle have both gone above and beyond and walked with our family through some really tough things over the 18 months that we've known them.  True Christian love in action!

We were so grateful that so much of our family was able to attend!

Some of the wedding party took dance lessons in the days leading up to the big day.  We had a lot of fun!

The rehearsal was a ton of fun!  After we ran through the basic logistics (which some got changed the morning of and caused some confusion with my little guys😂), we headed over to SBC for dinner and dancing.  Keziah and Micah taught us a couple of fun and interesting dances and we had a blast!

The day before the wedding was spent putting together flower arrangements, bouquets, and last minute decor.  That night some of us went out to dinner and stayed up WAAAAAY too late doing mani/pedis and watching Hitch.  But it was a really fun time!

This picture of Julia cracks me up!  She and Sarah are so much alike!  I can't even begin to put into words my appreciation for this girl. 💓 She might have written the book, "How to Be the Best Bridesmaid, Ever!"  Seriously though, she has been a dear friend to our family for a good number of years, but was a ROCK throughout this process.  She might have helped to save my sanity more than once...

Putting together the flower girl basket... (Sydnee and Selah removed appliqués from my wedding dress so I could use the material to line the basket, then we put the appliqués back on where we wanted them.)

One last prep picture, before the rings went on the pillows...I thought this was so neat!
So, there you have it...Sarah's dream wedding.  I think it was as close to everything she ever wanted that was within our power to do.