Thursday, October 28, 2021


I learned an interesting word recently. Yahrzeit is the observance of the anniversary date of a loved one. I’m glad there’s a word for it.  Leave it to God’s people to understand the need to commemorate, not celebrate, such a day. 

Six years without that precious smile, that musical laugh, those sweet hugs. I honestly did not think I would survive it this long. Much of it is still a blur. Some days I think I might just be coming out of the fog and then it hits me, maybe even harder than before.

I just miss him.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Happy Birthday, Wallace!

This year I had planned on doing simple birthday posts, only posting a single picture and moderate description.  But I forgot we have a couple of "big" birthdays in 2021!  Wallace's was one of them.

Turning 13 is a big deal for this clan.  It is a call to adulthood.  

We based his calling/party/gifts off the 5 Pillars of Biblical Manhood from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous, be strong.  Do everything in love."  We are so pleased with the way Wallace is growing and maturing in the Lord, devoting his life to serving Him, and making an effort to walk according to Scripture.  He has a kind heart and is absolutely a "doer," which he's working on pairing with patience.  😂😂😂

We had so much fun with Wallace's birthday.  As I was going through pictures, I decided to just do a photo journal today from the party.  Tomorrow I will post the actual wording we used for those who want it.

I always enjoy the sibling/family photos:

It's hard to be a brother sometimes...

Silliness abounds at this house...

Wallace trying to convince Sherrod and Alex of something...I love their faces!

Cake time fun with re-lighting candles

Birthday prayer

The children got Wallace a kayak...HUGE HIT!  I love his surprised face!  And how he's been so generous and loved sharing it with everyone.

Michael and I got him a William Wallace sword.  We are planning to have the family crest engraved on it once he decides where.

For those who only get to see the serious and somber side of Wallace, this is what he's like at home...

He is such a fun guy!  So many in our clan are pretty introverted so there aren't a lot of people that get to see what we see.  It takes time and effort to get to know him but it is oh-so-worth it!

Happy 13th birthday, my love!  

Birthday Daze

Celebrated several adult kiddo birthdays within a week’s span. The end of the year is one birthday after another for us! ❤️🤪❤️




I sure do love this precious clan! 😍

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Wedding Photos Are In!!!

Yay!  The wedding photos are in!  We had such a great time going through all of them with Alex and Sherrod!  We put them up on the big screen and oooohed, aaaaahed, and laughed as we looked back on the day and the sweet memories.  So precious!

I know, several have asked about the video.  We are still waiting on it but as soon as we can, we'll get it up on the live link.  I'll send out a notification when we do.

A word of warning...there's about to be a LOT of pictures! 🤪 I truly went through them and am only posting my very favorite ones.  I'll try to break it down into groups.  

I have never seen Sherrod happier.  She's always been pretty chill and easy going but I've never seen her laugh so much.  I love it!

She was absolutely radiant...

Alex was definitely ready for his bride...

It was really important to both Alex and Sherrod to pull in their heritage into their ceremony.  There were so many personal details that really made this day so "them"!  They had this sign up at one of the tables, explaining some of what they had incorporated.  So sweet! ❤️

They did "First Look" photos that were so much fun!  Started with Daddy...

The bridal party took photos while Sherrod got ready so they got to do a first look, too! I love the little girls’ faces!

While Alex waited for his "first look" with Sherrod, Selah convinced Daniel to play a little trick on him...😂😂😂

He was happy to finally get to see his bride...

There was lots of fun hanging out before the ceremony...

And of course there's this handsome fella. Mmmm...still makes my heart skip a beat. 😍


Bridal party...

Groom's guys...

Waiting for the ceremony...

I think she's ready....

The ceremony...

The flower crew was so adorable!

I loved how Sherrod's entrance was done!  The two men who opened the doors for her to come out are two men who have been incredibly special to Sherrod and to our family for a good number of years.  They have watched out for her (and us) and been protectors and there for anything we've needed.  It was so fitting that they were the ones to help her make this grand entrance.  I just love this picture of her with these 3 men who love her.

We were so thankful to have our long-time friend, Kevin, officiate the ceremony.  Kevin has known Sherrod since she was two and has watched her grow into the woman she is today.  He's gone through so much with us as a family...I love that he was able to share in this beautiful day! 

I love this picture of Alex's mother as she watches her son marry the love of his life.  So many emotions there...full of love and joy and tenderness.

Alex and Sherrod did a branding as part of their ceremony.  I had never seen it done before.  It was so touching and such a precious moment.

Their first kiss!  Their relationship has been so sweet.  I love how they saved even that very first kiss for marriage.  They have such a beautiful testimony.  I think part of it will be on the video when that comes out.

We were so blessed that so much of our family was able to travel in for the wedding.  So many came from such great distances...Arkansas, Arizona, Missouri, Ohio, and far ends of our state.  We are so grateful.  It meant so much to Alex and Sherrod (and all of us) to have you there.  We love you all!

So many friends traveled long distances, as well!  And on a Thursday evening!  Thank you all for sharing in their special day!

I don't know what's going on in this picture, but it looks serious!

I love this picture with Alex's grandma.  She is so precious!  She makes me think of my own sweet Mammaw.  

Just beautiful...

I thought this was a fun photo of the whole group.

The light saber photos were a hit!

There might have been some playing when we were trying to get the picture done...

We had a lot of fun at the reception...

Sherrod made this fun cake for Alex, which, of course, he loved!

And then it was time to say goodbye...we all headed to the kitchen for a final "squish" to wish them well.  This crew was a lot of fun!  Such a great group of ladies and gentlemen!

Then the send off, which was super fun!

And then they were off!

Although, funny story...they had to sneak back real quick to sign the marriage license!  That was kind of important! 

Congratulations to these two!  You know what they say... "You don't lose a daughter, you gain a son!"❤️❤️❤️