Thursday, October 8, 2020

Happy Birthday, Wallace!

We recently celebrated Wallace's 12th birthday!  More and more, I just wonder where the time goes!

Fun with siblings...

He was glad to have two of his best friends join in!

There might have been some wrestling...๐Ÿ˜œ

Turtle cheesecake (minus pecans since he's allergic to nuts)...YUM!

Birthday prayer...

I am so happy to see Wallace growing into a mature and thinking young man.  It brings such joy to watch children start to develop their own relationship with Christ and truly begin to understand sin and repentance and grace.  I love how he would rather be outside working with his hands than anything else.  He is very much a warrior at heart, always looking for something to conquer. ๐Ÿ’– I am so very proud of him!