Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 Life has been quite crazy of late.  I completely forgot it is Thursday.  I feel like my life has been turned upside down recently.  Not necessarily in a bad way but there's just so much going on.

We have made the decision to donate William's monument to Hearts for Hearing.  It's so interesting because it's something I've wanted to do for a long time and now that we've talked to them about it and it's all a go, I seem to be dragging my feet.  I have no other reason than it is hard.  I still want to do it, I just have to force myself to go through the movements.  I have to call someone to come out to bust up the concrete and that will have to all be cleaned up.  Then I have to take it to the artist to get it cleaned up and add his processors on.  Then get it to the facility.  It doesn't sound like much but it seems so overwhelming.  I'm sure it will all happen in His time...

There's been a lot of talk in our house of late about future hopes and dreams.  Sarah has spent so much time at Patriot Academy and with students from PA and in so many ways I feel like it is good to inspire young people to dream big and have lofty goals, but I also feel it can be a distortion and lead to discontentment.  Big dreams are great and I'm not knocking them, but I truly believe that God calls most of us to the ordinary.  I don't mean that in a bad way.  But is there any better way to glorify Him than by raising a family who loves the Lord and follows Him with their whole hearts?  What greater change in this world is there than what can be brought about by a faithful family?

I asked Michael if he had big dreams and aspirations when we married.  He said all he wanted was a wife who would serve the Lord with him and encourage him to godliness and raise a family that glorified the Lord.  (He actually joked a bit and emphasized that he wanted a QUIET life, a SIMPLE life, where we sat at home and were never busy...hahahahahaha!) And I tried to think back to when we were considering marriage.  What did I want?  I can't remember wanting anything but the same.

We get so caught up and busy in the busy-ness of life...sports, entertainment, go-go-go, even ministry...that it's so easy to neglect our first duty.  I'm reminded of the verse in Mark 8:36, "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?" Apply that to the family and especially the children.  I've seen so, so many chase dreams and aspirations, ministries and careers, only to lose their own children.  I've done it myself.  It happens so easily, before you even know it.  I have loved ministering to others through The Right Path, but my children have paid dearly for it.  

Am I saying that if you have children you can't minister to others?  Certainly not.  I'm saying it's super easy to get caught up in grandness and forget that the ordinary is every bit as grand.  Or even more so.  I think sometimes it's easy to be faithful in big things.  Can we be faithful in the small, everyday moments? Because those are the ones that truly make a difference.

And when we realize we've let ourselves be pulled into that which diminishes our faithfulness in our first calling which the Lord has given us, it's time to repent and regroup.  It's time to restore the faithfulness to what matters.  To think on the eternal, not the here and now.  Life is so, so short.  May every moment be used for His glory!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Happy Birthday, Knox!

The birthdays hit pretty close once August begins!  
Sibling time
Birthday prayer
Knox is quiet but he is strong.  I love how he thinks through Scripture so diligently.  And how he's completely his own guy!

I love celebrating birthdays.  I love taking the time to celebrate each child and talking through some of the things we are each thankful for.  I find myself more and more grateful for each day we are given.  And I can't believe that Elly will be 16 soon!  😳

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Happy Birthday, Titus!

The last week has been...interesting.  I am missing Sarah more than usual while she is away at PA.  The late nights are getting me, too.  We just got off the phone (3am).  I'm not as young as she is!  😆

August begins the birthdays again, after a few months of none.  

Titus was the first to celebrate...
Sibling time
Birthday prayer
Titus got kicked and fell into an item that caused quite the shiner, just before his birthday.  He was pretty proud of that black eye, though.  When we were having his cake, I told him it was looking pretty purple and asked him if he wanted me to put some purple eye shadow on the other one to make them match.  Of course his answer was a quick, "YES!"  😂 I didn't.

Happy birthday to my dear boy!  What a joy he is!