I'm still on a roller coaster.
There are times I handle things really well and I pat myself on the back and feel pretty good about where I'm at.
Then there are times I completely overreact, get angry, and either clam up or lash out.
But for the most part, it's good. I'm getting better at being able to ignore insensitive (or ignorant) remarks. There are some that still give me issue.
I will say this...we haven't gone off the deep end. Well, not completely anyway. 😂
We are absolutely doing things differently than we planned when the girls were little. I will give that. But it's not because we've allowed grief to pull us from the Lord. On the contrary, we are well aware that that can be an issue and have seen it too many times where convictions disappear. That hasn't happened and we are diligently fighting against that. But the fact remains that things ARE different than we anticipated them being.
We are seeking out how to raise godly young women who are both capable AND submissive. Young women who are able to be Lydias in the world while holding fast to the truths of Scripture for the role of men and women in the family. We are still figuring out our role as protectors, when to back off and when to hold on, how much is too much... It's so much harder than I thought it would be.
We desperately desire to walk with the Lord in every aspect of life and not make pragmatic decisions based off our own thought and desired outcomes. Neither do we desire to be swayed by doctrines of man, rather than doctrines of Scripture.
I hope they choose to live with us until they marry and have families of their own. But I cannot "make" them, nor would I try. As adults, I offer them my advice, my protection, my guidance, not my control. They are completely in charge of their own lives and, at this point, choose their own way. I'm content with who they are, not because of my imperfect parenting, but because of the work God has done in them. I am confident to send them into the world, into any situation, knowing that they will stand strong, that their convictions are firm (even those that differ from mine😘), and that they love the Lord above all else. What more could I ask for?
And just a public note to my 4 adult girls: man, do I love you! I could not possibly be more proud of each of you. You are the absolute best and I am blessed beyond measure to get to be your mother! I could not ask for more. You are going to run with the torch and reach higher and farther than I ever could have dreamed to do. The Lord is with you...
On a fun note...aren't these sweet gifts?
I love them both! The Precious Moments figurine reminds me of this sweet memory...
Things are good. I feel happy with where things are so, as a person who hates change, it makes me wonder what's around the corner. But I'm putting self to death today and I've decided to just enjoy this time, right now. Tomorrow has enough worries of it's own...😌