Thursday, April 26, 2018


I'm still sick.  Yuck! But getting better.  At least the fever is gone!  Unfortunately, I was sick through one of the most fun times of the year...literacy days!  But I made it through, even as bad as I felt, because of the wonderful people around me that make things happen.
My heart is full.  I thought I'd share some pictures from our week...

After literacy, I spent 2 days in bed.  😜 But at least I was able to start again with the week.  We ended Grief Share this week.  It was hard to be gone one night every week, but I am sad to see it go.  I think it was really helpful for me.  We ended the evening with a sweet balloon release.  We had tags that we could write on.  The idea was to write a memory or a message to our loved one, but I chose to do something else entirely.  So many things have happened in every aspect of my life, around the timing of William's death, and I have had a hard time not holding onto anger and bitterness.  Every time I thought I would get on top of it, it seemed like something else would happen.  So I decided to physically let it go.  I wrote, "Bitterness and anger," on my tag and set it free.  It felt good.

I awoke this morning, humming this verse...

Stand up, stand up for Jesus,
The strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle,
The next the victor's song.

I feel ready to engage in the battle again.  At least for today...