Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sarah's Birthday

This week we celebrated Sarah's birthday.

It's hard for me to believe she's 22!  It seems like she just started driving... I find it so amazing how time just slips away from us so quickly.  Only yesterday she was just this size:

And she's always been enamored with all things political...
OK State Capitol
 She wasn't always so playful and boisterous!  For those of you who remember her in her toddler days, she was SUPER quiet and shy.  I think she only talked to me, even though she talked up a storm very early on.  But once she came out of that around the age of 5, there was no turning back... 😂

She's always been such an easy child.  It's a good thing we had more after her or I might be prideful about my parenting skills! LOL!  Sarah just has a natural love and attraction for the Lord.  She's always been very sensitive to the Holy Spirit and intent on obedience and submission to His will.  And very mature in Him.  At 7yo, she came to me with several "life-altering" questions.  Things that made us rethink what we do and why.  So if you ever think we're crazy for things like wearing dresses and Christmas, you can talk to Sarah about that... 😜

She has always been a huge help taking care of children and loved doing so...

Even in the hard times...

Sixteen flew by just as quickly as it came...

Seventeen did, too...

With many more Capitol visits in between...

And 19 FINALLY brought the driver's license...ONLY because Abby turned 18 and was ready for hers and we wouldn't let her get it until Sarah did! 😝

Of course she went to DC for her 21st birthday...

She's always had a love for cats... 😳

And, as an adult, coffee... And loves time with her YPL friends...

Movie time...

Looky there...another political event...

Ellis Island

Ummmm, she's pretty  - ahem - accident prone... 😁

 I wish I could say these were her only 2 ER trips over the past few years.  Not so.  There have been SEVERAL more.  At least 3 of them involved falling off of horses (through no fault of the horse)... 😕

I love her great personality!  She can play a practical joke with the best of them...and she takes them pretty well, too!

She loves to goof around...

More political stuff...
OK Republican Convention
Special invitation YPL event
 More goofing...

Patriot Academy...

Truly, I could not ask for a better daughter or a greater friend.  Sarah is compassionate and caring, stalwart and zealous, forgiving and easy-going.  I don't know that she ever meets a stranger and is so laid back and outgoing that she easily makes friends everywhere she goes.  I am so proud of her and I know that as God takes her in new directions in her life, she will honor Him in everything she does.  She's had to make some hard decisions but she's always made them with His plan in mind.  I love being able to have that confidence in her that she will always put Him first.

It's good to have reasons to celebrate.  Obviously this is a rough time of year.  And this is one of those "no sleeping" nights.  At this point I'm thinking I should just skip it altogether...

Michael and I were talking this evening and it feels like this year, the entire year has been harder than most.  But leading up to the build-up of next week has us a little crazier than usual.  But we'll make it.  With sadness and tears, maybe some laughter, too, He'll see us through.  And if you get the urge to call or text or email...go ahead.  So many times people say later that they didn't want to bother us or bring something up if we're doing well.  But, truly, it's never a bother.  It's always good to be loved!