This was the whole reason we went to DC. I am so glad we went to this conference! I learned a lot and it helped encourage me and make the flame to want to change our country even brighter! They covered all kinds of topics - abortion, LGBT, Black Live Matter, ISIS, the state of the school/colleges and the state of the church to name a few. I don't want to steal my thunder for the Young Patriots for Liberty post so I'm not going to say a whole lot. :)
It is so nice to know you are not alone in the fight! There were over 2,200 people there!
There were so many wonderful speakers there: Tony Perkins, Sen. James Lankford, Sen. Tim Scott, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Gary Bauer, Kirk Cameron, Todd Starnes, David & Jason Benham, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Sen. Rick Santorum, Dr. Everett Piper, Lt. Col. Oliver North, Lt. Col. Allen West, Phil Robertson, David Barna, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Gov. Matt Bevin, Alan Robertson, Gov. Mike Pence, Dr. James Dobson, Virginia Prodan, Ryan Bomberger, David Daleiden, Bill Bennett and many, many more!
Alan Robertson |
Gary Bauer |
David & Jason Benham |
Bill Bennett |
David Daleiden |
Donald Trump |
Dr. Everett Piper |
Gov. Matt Bevin |
Dr. James Dobson |
Sen. James Lankford |
Rep. Jim Bridenstine |
Kirk Cameron |
Lt. Col. Allen West |
Matt Walsh |
Rep. Michele Bachmann |
Gov. Mike Pence |
Phil Robertson |
Sen. Rick Santorum |
Tony Perkins |
Virginia Prodan |
We had the amazing opportunity to meet some of the speakers!
with David & Jason Benham |
with Dr. James Dobson |
with Dr. Everett Piper |
with Virginia Prodan |
with Matt Walsh |
with Bill Dallas |
I highly recommend the Benham Brothers' books
Whatever the Cost and
Living Among Lions and Virginia Prodan's book
Saving My Assassin. They're really good!
They had a beautiful gala dinner the last evening to honor Bill Bennett.
This was such a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do the Young Patriots for Liberty post to tell you everything we learned!
posted by Sarah