Thursday, January 30, 2020


Music has a powerful affect on people.  Even if we think it doesn't affect us, it does.  I happened to hear a song not long ago in a store and the words have kind of haunted me.  I find myself dwelling on them and I have to fight to pull myself from them because they seem to fit me so very well.  The song is actually a break up song but these words...

"And I know it's long gone and
That magic's not here no more
And I might be okay
But I'm not fine at all...
Time won't fly,
It's like I'm paralyzed by it
I'd like to be my old self again,
But I'm still trying to find it."

Boy, do those words hit home.  I know how that feels.  Probably better than the artist who wrote it.  And there are days that I can get lost in words like these and fall into that pit again if I'm not really careful.

But He is faithful and He is strong, even when I'm not.  Especially when I’m not. And I'm still working on how to #BeMighty...

***And for those of you who check the blog early in the morning, I apologize.  I'm still as crazy busy as usual, but with one difference...I'm actually sleeping now!  But that means no blogging in the wee hours of the morning!  😜

Thursday, January 23, 2020


There is a tired that sleep cannot fix. It is a tired from the soul, not the body. A tired that comes from turmoil, not busy. I am there. And in this place it is sometimes harder to show grace or to find hope. Discouragement can threaten to overwhelm. 

And I really miss my boy...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Happy Birthday, Sydnee!

Last week we had fun celebrating Sydnee's 21st birthday!  She is so easy going and likes to joke around.  I sure hope the “sane” thing works out for her... 😂😂😂

Though the weather held off a large group, the girls had a few friends over for volleyball and games...

Of course she made her own cake...(hey, I offered😜)

 Birthday prayer...

Sibling time...
So sweet...😍
 I don't even know what's going on here...

She is still in the process of planning her birthday trip.  I am looking forward to seeing what she comes up with!

This girl.  Oh my heart.  She has truly become my right hand.  I am so grateful for this time with her...exploring her heart, working through hard things, growing in the Lord, and just being friends.  She is such a joy and there really isn't much that rattles her.  Though most people consider her to be pretty quiet, she really has a lot to say...she just doesn't have an aggressive personality and sits back to wait for things to be pointed at her.  She is meek and humble and gracious.  I have learned a lot from this child of mine and I'm ever grateful to be her mother. 💜💜💜

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A New Year...

New Year’s is always such a fun time for our family! We start the day off with a fun breakfast...
This year, the waffle bar and maple long johns! Yum!
I had a low carb “chaffle” that was superb but didn’t even bother trying to low carb a maple donut. 😂
The younger children have a fun gift exchange...

And the older ones of us participate in the Ornery Ocker's Odditorium, which is our own unique game that is similar to a white elephant exchange.  It's so much fun!  Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures.

Although I did get a few pictures of the Triple O balls...😂😂😂

Lots of craziness and fun!

6 boxes of Saran Wrap later...

Our fun day was interrupted by a major water catastrophe, which we spent the rest of the day and all the next week fixing.  On New Year's Day, we pumped over 1,200 gallons of water out of the basement!  The girls are now living in the school room until the basement and bathroom can be remodeled.  What would we do without the loving kindness of good friends?  We are so grateful for the friends who dropped their own family plans in a moment's notice to come help us and committed so much time the following week to getting us back up and running, even though they are all dealing with their own life craziness!

We have yet to finish our celebration, but look to do so this weekend.  With all the girls in different directions, it is now hard to find time to come together with everyone.  A friend recently asked to give a movie title that describes your parenthood.  I said, "The Fast and the Furious."  😂

This year was somewhat difficult for me to let go of and to move into.  I'm not really sure why, except maybe it's leaving behind a decade where I was able to hold my sweet boy and moving into a new one that will never see him.  It's hard, but I'm doing it.  My friend, Melanie (, put it well, “My heart aches to see him again, hold him again, share life with him again. But I’ve learned to hold that yearning for the life I used to have and gratitude for the life I live now in the same heart.”

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy Birthday, Selah!

Yes, we celebrated ANOTHER birthday in December!  What fun!  Our sweet Selah is 14 already!
Fun with siblings...
Do you think she was excited to get this movie? (She also got the sheet music to the title score for Thanksgiving.  She's been wanting both for awhile!)
 I love how there's always a bit of chaos and a lot of laughter!
 This dear girl is such a blessing!  She definitely lives up to her name...she is stalwart and immovable (in the best way)!
 Not really wanted cake, Selah opted for birthday pie!  Or should I say "pies"?  Peach fried pies, that is!

 Birthday prayer...