What a wonderful day! We spent the day in the City, for William's mapping with his audiologist and Sherrod's HbA1c with her endocrinologist. Every 3 months. It's just part of it, right? William's thresholds have hardly changed, which is pretty amazing considering all he's been through! He always has such a great time with Dr. Sara, but today was especially fun!
Today, William got his

Very exciting! The Roger is a system that allows a person to speak directly into William's processor. This will be EXTREMELY useful to him! I think because he can't see, he has been having some trouble deciphering when someone is speaking to him. He often does not answer questions when someone speaks to him, but will answer immediately when I repeat the question. I began to wonder if he was being rude, but upon further investigation we really don't believe that is the case. He seems to have a hard time telling when someone is actually speaking to him or when it's just noise he is supposed to be tuning out. He also seems to have a hard time deciphering different accents or behaviors in speaking. The Roger will help tremendously with this. We are beyond excited!!!
By the way, no, that's not his news. We haven't heard back yet!
I feel so overwhelmed with all the Lord has been doing for William and for our family. It brings to mind the Scripture from Isaiah, "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19
I feel like I am watching Him make a way for us in ways I never would have thought possible. His ways are truly higher than our ways!