It has been a sad week in our home. William's little dog, Asthma Annie, was killed on Thursday, December 22, after running onto the highway. Many tears have been shed for her, as she was a much-loved friend and constant companion.
William is beginning to understand that she won't be coming back. The first night was awful, as he had no realization of death. He called for her several times through the day, but was reminded of her death. At bedtime, the conversation went:
"I want Annie."
"Annie can't come. Remember, she got hit by the car and died?"
"Oh. When Annie's done being hurt, she come back to bed with me?"
And, of course, many tears with the knowledge that she can never come back.
The next night was better, with simply
"We buried Annie in the ground?"
"She can't come to me?"
"No, son."
More tears.
By last night, there were no tears. Just a simple, "I miss Annie."
Oh, my heart is hurting for my little boy, and the rest of my children! I realize there are much worse things that can happen. People are missing much, much more. We've even experienced greater loss in our own family. But watching my sweet children learn about death is a painful providence. It is also incredibly sweet. That might sound odd, but truly there is nothing sweeter than knowing the sorrow in a heart, while listening to tender prayers of thanksgiving for the gift of such a special dog. Hearing words of wisdom repeated from young lips makes this a very bittersweet occasion.
"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away..."
Thank You, LORD, for all of your precious gifts, no matter how insignificant they may seem to mere human eyes. And thank You for the life lessons that come in Your perfect time.
"...blessed be the name of the LORD!"
- Posted from my iPhone