Just to bring everyone up to speed: William has many doctors and therapists who are working with him and we have been more than pleased with each one of them. Since we found out about his deafness our life has been a whirlwind of appointments. After he received the bilateral cochlear implant and was activated, we started working on some other possibilities of things that could be wrong. From asthma and weak lungs, to low muscle tone, loss of head control, and not walking - there's been a lot that has concerned us. He's had testing and bloodwork, testing and bloodwork, testing...you get the picture. We so appreciate the prayers from all of you. Here is a pictorial overview of things so far:
The birth of our precious baby boy

RSV/Pneumonia - 1st hospital trip
William turns 1!
The evening we returned home from CA William lost all control of his head - 2nd hospital trip
sound booth testing not great - trying hearing aides

Testing, tubes in ears, CT Scan, EEG, ABR, and so on...William was diagnosed with profound hearing loss and we decided to proceed with cochlear implants.
having fun in the waiting room before surgery

at home after surgery

removing the bandages

activating the implants - day 1
activating the implants - day 2
William looks around everyone to see the dog making noise!
18 months old!

His first ear infection was a pretty severe infection in the mastoid cavity.
It led to another hospital stay.
Feeling better!
Tube removal, new tubes, more bloodwork, more testing....He's still going through a lot!
"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah 1:5